
is an aircraft of classic aircraft layout. The design goal was to create an aircraft with maximum level of safety, comfort and  rugged construction. It has got pleasant appearance, pilot seats situated side-by-side (preferred by many) and steerable nose wheel (for easier ground handling).

The aircraft is produced in two main versions:

  • UL (MTOM 472,5 kg) named A-22 and in subsequent developement versions A-22L and A-22L2
  • LSA (MTOM 600 kg) named A-22LS

Strong points:

Amazing short field performace

everybody knows what means too short space for emergency landing. The touchdown close to 50 km/h combined with effective brakes result in extremely short landing roll. Take-off roll is equally short, so hundreds of small airstrips are available for you. It is real VSTOL aircraft!!! 

Unique visibility

 Big doors with bubble glazing extending from roof to floor provide extraordinary side and down visibility. You can see almost straigh down without banking - perfect for cross-country navigation or survey operations. Through large, half-round windshield you can see many kilometrs ahead. Even the rear part of fuselage is fully glazed. Unobstracted almost 360° view - unmatched by any other aircraft. How easy is to plan an aerodrome circuit - one of many reasons the A-22 is so beloved in a big number of flight schools. 

The seats are positioned correctly, so tall people do not get a sore neck having to duck down to see under the wing in flight and yet can easily see over the nose.

Metal construction

The two words equivalent to other two words: safety & durability.
Safety: an all-metal airframe has good impact characteristics. Metal will bend and absob forces before breaking, helping to protect occupants in the event of an accident. In comparison, composites do not absorb impacts well, usually fragmenting suddenly without bending.
Durability: correctly proofed, metal structures are durable and resistant to the external environment. Unlike composites, metal is not susceptible to structural changes caused by UV radiation, high temperatures and other weather effects. For example, composites can become significantly weakened if the surface temperature rises above 40 degrees - very easily done in even mild sunlight on an outback summer day.

We use solely aviation grade aluminum from proven suppliers.

Flight characteristics

Thick profile, wings swept forward, wash-out and your stall, even without flaps is a non-event. You get early stall warning, no tendency to drop a wing, safe side-slip with or withour flaps. At slow speeds, the controls are light and effective - at higher speeds they firm-up and make cruising a more relaxed affair than in some sensitive ‘performance’ related aircraft. 

Huge amount of room in the cabin

the 128 cm width makes probably the A-22 to have biggest, airiest cabin in its class. This means that whether you’re learning, or flying with a friend, you’re not jammed shoulder to shoulder, the controls are easier to use, and room to move makes for greater safety all round. The shelves with easy access provide space for your belongings. You can also put 3 big bags to the luggage container behind the seats. You can get things from there also in flight!

Easy to get into and out of

Fed up of climbing up to the cabin, contorting yourself to get over the control sticks? Or jamming your legs to get under the control yokes? Forget it in A-22. The centre stick makes entry and exit as simple as getting into & out of bed! No necessity to spread the legs. Even the optional control yokes are set high so you can just slide in under them.

Facts and figures


 A 22 3d view


Technical Data & Performance

Model A-22L2 A-22L2
Engine Rotax 912 UL Rotax 912 ULS
Power 80 HP / 59,6 kW at 5800 RPM 100 HP /  73,5 kW at 5800 RPM
VNE never exceed speed 210 kph 210 kph
VA max. maneuvering speed 150 kph 150 kph
VFE max. flap extended speed 115 kph 115 kph
VS1 stall speed, flaps retracted  70 kph  70 kph
VS0 stall speed full flaps  60 kph  60 kph
Cruise speed at 4500 RPM 140 kph 150 kph
Max. horizontal speed 180 kph 190 kph
 Crosswind limit 7 m/s 7 m/s
 Max. load factors +4 / -2 +4 / -2
Take off run at MTOW & ISA 135 m 105 m
Landing run at MTOW & ISA 135 m 135 m
Take off distance over a 15 m obstacle (MTOW & ISA) 250 m

215 m

Landing distance from 15 m obstacle (MTOW & ISA) 350 m 350 m

International approvals/certificates

A-22 has been approved by authorities of many countries. Below some of existing approvals.


A22-LS (MTOM 600 kg)

DULV - Datasheet 991-22  1  (Rotax 912 ULS). The latter one includes glider towing up to 700 kg!

A22-LS (MTOM 472,5 kg)
DULV - Datasheet 799-10 4 (Rotax 912 UL) and 799-10 3 (Rotax 912 ULS). The latter one includes glider towing up to 700 kg!

DULV - Datasheet 799-10 1 (Rotax 912 UL) and 799-10 2 (Rotax 912 ULS). The latter one includes glider towing up to 700 kg!


DULV - Datasheet 60005-121 (Rotax 912 UL) and 60005-122 (Rotax 912 ULS). The latter one includes glider towing up to 390 kg.

Czech Republic

LAA - ULL 05/2007


DGAC - Certificado de Aeronavegabilidad de Tipo No. 289/I

Great Britain

LAA Type Acceptance Data Sheet - 317


FAA Make/Model Directory for SLSA